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CEGIR is a collaborative formed to further research of Eosinophilic Gastrointestinal Diseases (EGIDs). Thanks to federal funding, the Consortium of Eosinophilic Gastrointestinal Disease Researchers (CEGIR) was formed to study these diseases.

This collaborative effort operates under the umbrella of the Rare Diseases Clinical Research Network (RDCRN). Scientists, health care providers, patient advocacy groups, and professional organizations are all working together to improve diagnostics and treatments for people who have eosinophilic gastrointestinal diseases (EGIDs), and to teach other researchers and clinicians about these diseases.


Patient-centered: The consortium works closely with patients, the EFC and other patient advocacy groups to ensure that efforts are guided by meaningful input from those who live with EGIDs.

Patient-powered: Effective, improved treatments and a cure for EGIDs cannot be found without the active participation of patients who have these diseases. By participating in surveys and/or clinical trials, you will have an active role in advancing disease research.

How Can You Get Involved?

  • Enroll in clinical trials: CEGIR is launching new clinical trials and is currently enrolling patients. Our best hope for improved diagnostic tools/treatments is for patients to become involved in these studies. If you are eligible for a clinical trial, please consider participating. The CEGIR website will be updated with new information about their trials as they open for enrollment. Click to see the list of current trials here:
  • Spread the word: Encourage other families living with EGIDs to visit the CEGIR website and become active in research opportunities. The more patients who provide information to researchers, the further down the path to a cure we’ll go!

​We invite you to learn more about CEGIR at, and get started today.

Coalition of Patient Advocacy Groups Webinar Series

From July 2020 through January 2021, the RDCRN-CPAG will host a five-part, bi-monthly webinar series entitled, “Navigating the World of Rare Disease Clinical Trials from the Patient Perspective.” Please check back periodically for new postings. (insert link below)

CPAG Webinar: An Introduction to Clinical Trials, 7-23-20 from RDCRN on Vimeo.