Courag “EOS” Capes
This is a program in which we will provide every child with an eosinophilic disorder, a kit that includes a superhero cape and patches. Unfortunately, endoscopies, colonoscopies and other testing are a routine part of life for a child living with eosinophilic disorders. Through the Courag”EOS”® Capes program, each time a child goes to the hospital for one of these medical procedures they can add one of their patches to the Courag”EOS”® Cape to personalize it. We are looking to empower children, give them strength, a positive experience and allow them some control while coping with a condition that frequently challenges that sense of control.
Our ability to provide capes at no cost to families is based solely on funds available to support this program. If you would like to sponsor a cape for a child, please visit our Giving page to make a donation of $20.
Applicants: We will make every effort to ship your cape within 10-15 business days. If for some reason we are unable to do so, we will contact you directly to give you an updated shipment time. Please email us at with any questions